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character designb.png
I have been developing this story project, and this is the character design work I've done so far.
This project started off with a little character design exercise of making up a "Genasi" (one of the playable races in Dungeons and Dragons) character for each of the element.
As I was designing the characters visually their personalities began to form in my mind.  I began to imagine scenario's they would go through, how they'd meet as I imagined them as a party, and by the time I had finished all four designs I had a story building in my mind.
With their characters being more than cool character designs I revisited the designs to both adapt them to be simpler for the potential of a comic (the current idea for telling this story) as well as incorporate more of each of their characters.
In the development of their characters I then needed to work out what species populated the world they lived in. 

The four are the only people like themselves, touched by the elements, and so I needed species they could pass for (for the most part) whilst also avoiding generic Fantasy races.

The result was the development of Scalekin, Fishfolk and Coldblood.  I then added the Woodborn to give another species that was less tethered to a kind of climate like humans.
With designs mostly finalised I wanted to see what they looked like together on a page, so here that is.

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